Originally Posted by rose1
Well, let me be a little more descriptive, I'm using iGO8 along with astrogpslauncher. What I'm trying to do is create a shortcut that will first rotate the screen to landscape mode, then open astrogpslauncher, then open iGO8. I used a program called sk shortcut and so far I set it up where a shortcut would open astrolaunchergps, then iGO8. I need an actual .exe or .ink file that will rotate the screen. Is that possible?
Dunno, but it can be done with AEButton Plus by creating a command line link.lnk for you to call. It should work for you.
41#"\Program Files\AEBPlus\AEBPlus.exe" 001F
Here is a link to the other codes...
And here is the .lnk file