Palringo issues with treo... wm6?
I have wm6 trimmed version from Ebag on my wx. I recently installed Palringo but there seems to be an issue. After the phone has been idle for a while, when i turn on the screen to get back to doing whatever... palringo won't open? clicking on the icon will do nothing. only way to get it to work again is to soft reset. I have tried all possible settings in palringo and no fix.
it says something like "cannot execute storage card/ program files/ palringo.
pain in the butt! i love this little program it's so fun to use. is there any workaround or fix that can make my phone NOT close palringo when it is suspended or idling. when I have my phone plugged into the charger and set the power setting to not power off my phone when using external power, the program stayed on all night... but that's not practical for battery power.
Is there a way to make a program run in the background and not be affected by the screen shutting off or the phone being idle!?
"At what age do you tell a highway it's adopted?"
Last edited by mokash34; 07-26-2008 at 11:36 AM.