I must be doing something wrong - BT Quality
if you read around the forums, it seems like the majority of the people with 6800s have pretty good connections witht heir bluetooth headsets. I do not.
For some reason I have horrible reception.
If I hold the phone in my hand near my head the quality is ~ok. if I lower my the phone below my belt it goes to shat. if i put the phone in my pocket, it is near impossible to understand the person on the other line. if I put the phone in my shirt pocket, less than a foot from the phone, same thing. these things are supposed to work for 30' right? What the hell is going on here? it's rediculous.
here is a little background on what combinations i have tried to get this thing to work.
I have so far tried 2 seperate Titans. Both with the same issue. one was a refurb and my current one is a new replacement phone.
I was running No2Chems Rom but have swuiched over to DCD's latest.
I first bought the Motorolla H700 and returned it because of the bad quality. i just bought a BlueAnt Z9i since quite a few people in the BT threads claimed that they worked great with the titan.
But this is not the case with me. it is extremely aggrevating. i love the features of this phone. but being a California resident, I have to have BT when I drive. And holding the phone to my head while I tak into my bt headset seams a little rediculous.
Am I doing something wrong? I have looked for updated drivers for my headset. there are none. is there something i need to do to "unlock" a good connection with acceptable audio?
the word "what" is used constatntly during my conversations while on bluetooth. I need to fix this somehow.
Any advice is welcomed. the only thing i won't do is buy another headset. I already have 2 headsets already.