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Old 07-25-2008, 12:11 AM
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Re: Force Roam in new Sprint ROM

I downloaded "MobileRegestryEditor" (searched registry editor on google) and did the exact steps mentioned above and it works! rebooted my touch and still there! hanging out like a hair on a biscuit ROAMING ONLY! where i live, and my old FREE ROAMING plan this is a must.

many thanks to the directions as this is the first time i've attempted registry EDITING on a mobile device and the process was made very easy, with COMMON SENSE! *once you see it you'll understand what I mean*

I recommend at least taking a look at your registry with one of these programs and maybe click around a min or two.

btw, this was done on a sprint touch.

much love!

Last edited by cswin72; 07-25-2008 at 12:14 AM.