Originally Posted by bigfrost6807
The settings are
Under HKLM\Software\OEM\PhoneSetting
Change AllowRoaming to 0 (not sure if this is needed or not)
Under HKLM\Software\OEM\PhoneSetting\NetworkService
Change ItemCount to 3 (instead of 2)
Create a new String called ItemName3 with the value of "Roam Only" (without quotes)
Create a new DWord called ItemValue3 with a value of 3
do the reg entries in
change ItemCount to 3
New string: ItemName3 Value- Roaming.
New Dword: ItemValue3 Value- 3
At the risk of sounding like a retard...
Those instructions are beautiful and clear, but I don't know how to get into those folders, or update those files on my phone.
Does my phone need to be connected to my PC?
Can I update these settings directly from the phone itself?
Can someone walk me through this from the Today screen?
Could someone please write a .CAB for me?