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Old 07-23-2008, 08:18 PM
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Re: OMJ's 3.03.04 WM6.1 Custom Touch ROMs w/ User Customization! Updated 7/21/08

Originally Posted by tatnai View Post
Yeah, I've noticed that my battery sucks. I'm running OMJs 3.03.04 custom on sprint. I do not use GPS today (never touched it, I believe it is not activated by default now), and I have my pagepool set to 24. I keep my screen brightness set to the second lowest brightness. Kept bluetooth off yesterday. I soft reset after using GPS just in case. I did not use GPS yesterday, unplugged 6:30 am, worked all day and barely talked on the phone (less than 5 min talk time), surfed the web for about 35 min, and my email autochecks once every hour. When I got home at 6pm, I was at about 25%. I did not use my vogue much stock (in fact, I flashed the night I got it) so I don't have much to compare it to, but this seems like really poor battery life for minimal use to me. For those of you that have used either the stock shipped rom for any length of time, or the new "official" release leaked rom, is the battery life significantly better?

And a question for OMJ, any clues as to what is causing the drain? Any settings that can be fiddled with?

Loving the speed and customizations, but being that I am on call overnight a few times a month, I need my phone to last AT LEAST 40 hrs with minimal to average use, which is not going to happen right now.
Originally Posted by e_town View Post
Well, unplugged @ 7:00 this morning with a soft reset while still on the charger. VERY light use all day. Only a handfull of calls, couple texts and maybe 35 emials in (couple out).

82% right now.... Very impressed. 10 hours of light use and only 17% reduction. =D>
Now that's what I need, but I have no idea what the diff is between your setup and mine. Are you using AEBPlus for button mapping? That is one thing I'm wondering may be draining my battery, as I am wondering if it is running in the background. Will turn that off tomorrow, see if that makes a difference. Thing is, i'm kinda addicted to AEBPlus, don't know if I could live without it anyways . . .

Any more info you can provide on your setup, e_town?