Originally Posted by willysp
An interesting experience yesterday. Apologies if already posted.
I had been using my Touch as primary phone, until I got my Treo 800w (a free swap for my old Mogul). So I did an online ESN swap to my Treo.
So, while my Touch was de-activated, I installed the new ROM, installed Garmin XT, and Garmin works just fine with the onboard GPS receiver using the Intermediate GPS driver.
Must be just enough network connection remaining for GPS to work. I've always noticed that a de-activated phone still gets voicemail alerts...
How quickly do you get a lock? -- Network activity isn't necessary unless you want to get A-GPS to work. So far, I haven't seen any proof that it TRULY works anyways...
So you should be good to go... Pretty small full-featured GPS device, eh?