It didn't copy over my voice command.exe file correctly even though I had it in the boot folder on card... I manually copied it over to the windows folder and it worked fine.
Under Media tab (on the today screen shortcut program), the wmp icon doesn't show.. so I deleted it and added it again, caused two com managers to show. Trying to erase one and hitting done locks up the OS.
Where can I get the mail2webactivsync.cab? Does it just automate the mail2web accounts setup process?
Also, I don't want all of my Verizon extended ROM to install, I usually select what I want, is it possible to have your custom boot folder pause after everything in there is run and ask if you'd like to continue installing the original extended rom?.. to give us a chance to reset in between.
Pocket MSN needs to go... I think the MeMaids should be taken out too. Zip is replaced by winrar.
Great work on the ROM!