Originally Posted by gsanchez21
i purchased a copy of guitar hero 3 mobile for my sprint touch from winplay last week. the problem im having is that when i type in the activation code i go to press register and nothing happens. i email winplay and they send me the same activation code. i tried uninstalling/reinstalling, verified my device name matched, soft reset, even reinstalled mobile 6.1 and nothing. i emailed winplay but maybe someone out there may have an idea what im doing wrong. any info would be a big help.
i was having the same issue...and had e-maild them about it...they had me verify my owner's name and sent me the same code but then today they sent me a e-mail saying that they had put up a new version and to try that one so i did and this time it worked....so make sure that the OWNERS name in you device is excatly as what you told them it was download the new version and try again....