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Old 07-21-2008, 02:18 PM
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Re: Offical Sprint 3.56 MOGUL 6.1 Rom is now posted at

Originally Posted by vinscuzzy View Post
Sorry so long, but pleez help!!!!

So yesterday I was goin to the SPRINT store to get a replacement phone(white spot/d-pad funky), so I downloaded the stock 3.35 rom. Installed it and relocked the phone using nue-spl relocker. When it was done I noticed a blue roaming triangle but didnt really pay much attention. Went to the sprint store, there was no tech there, so I went home. Still had the blue triangle. Cant make calls, no internet. Ran iota, didnt help. Then outta nowhere the EV square appeared, and all was fine. Now whenever I reset the phone the triangle comes back but a few minutes later it disappears and all is well. So today, I found this thread and downloaded 3.56. The damn triangle is still there!!!!!! Updated the prl with 60713, 20232 and 60711. Still have a blue triangle!!!! Now its completely sporadic. Sometimes it takes a minute to switch to EV, sometimes like 20 min. Once it switches, it stays, but every time I reset, the blue triangle comes back. As longs as its there, my phone is useless, cant make calls, no internet, nothing. When it finally switches to EV, everything is fine. WHAT THE H*LL IS GOING ON?!?!???!
i've had that happen on a few roms i have tried thru out the months...i believe that blue triangle means it cant find a tower for signal...go into the start menu/settings/phone/services/roaming/ and click get settings...try changing it to either sprint or automatic....which ever one its on just change it to the other and see if that works....i always put it on sprint only when i have that problem and it always seems to work great for me after...hope this helps
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