Re: 800w Reviews
ok so i went down to the sprint store the other day to have a look, (and thought that I may as well peek at the instinct while i was there) and here are my impressions from a sprint vogue(and kind of titan/mogul) point of view.
the screen is more sensitive/responsive than that of the touch and mogul (i have a touch, a friend the mogul). this isnt by a huge standard, but i did certainly notice extremelely quickly.
it is WORLDS faster/more responsive/zippier than the touch and mogul. i could tell that RIGHT OFF.
i saw one post here saying, "it might be slightly zippier than my mogul, but im not sure yet as i havent tested much yet". and i am thinking...WHAT!? and thats coming from a mogul (same chipset as my device, but with HALF the ram) i just REALLY want to emphasize the exaggerated improvement in performance. i only played with it for bout 10 min in the sprint store and it was extremely obvious to me.
on my vogue i am currently running the wm6.1 build 20226 rom from ppckitchen, with a 24mb pagepool, and all the fastest registry settings.
the rom i built is also rather clean. i have resco explorer, remote desktop (because in this build you have to include it for working data), schaps advanced config, camera album, and java. thats it!
i am 100% positive that if i were to hard-reset mine, ensure all of the best registry settings were set, commit the registry changes by soft-resetting, then doing a speed test with almost any 800w out device would be KILLED in that race.
its absolutely sad and pathetic...
i also used the instinct for a minute, and the main thing i noticed was how incredibly sensitive the touch-screen was...
idk for you other touch users out there (and mogul users) out there, but after using my slow device (with a driver-defficient chipset that has been said to perform worse than its predecessors of up to 3-4 years ago (an axim x5 is WORLDS more responsive)) for so long, i still knew it was slow but had kind of convinced myself that fresh after a hard then soft reset, with thte best rom and registry, that today's devices really probably didnt get too much faster than that....WRONG i was...ugh
i also want to make it a point that there is NO screen tearing!! for mogul and touch users, when simply scroling through maybe the system tab in settings, the screen skips and tears. NOT so (even on a stock rom no less!!) on the 800w!
the instinct really isnt for me, i just always figured that the two largest flaws of the touch were:
a) that htc purposely desensitized the sensitivity of the screen (read that somewhere on modaco on a post about the cruise/polaris) (and YES i do have both of the screen registry keys set to the highest and re-set those after each recalibration of the screen because i am aware that the recalibration changes those settings again as well)
b) how SLOW the device was...
i must say i am at a complete loss at why you folks out there are waiting for the diamond or raphael....??? it just really doesnt make any sense. i mean MAYBE it will be different this time but....if you read the processor specs, the brand is QUALCOMM - teamed up with HTC...BAD idea lol...
i wasnt to impressed with htc with the titan and vogue tho i know they have been MUCH more impressive in the past...
well there you go! you guys wanted a more in-depth review from a touch standpoin!
mines on the way, bought it for $390 shipped, will be here thursday at the latest! at which point (after more testing and satisfaction) i will likely sell my touch/vogue and enjoy better days to come! (though giving up the flush and large screen may be a bit of a let-down, tho i must say that i higher resolution on a smaller screen will likely look MUCH better...not to mention that you only really use a large screen for either internet or media. and the msm7x00 chipsets (with no direct draw and lack of other drivers) were certainly useless for media, and trying to scroll and pan around a web page was more than choppy we go!