Originally Posted by kinextions
i got my 6700 sprint phone in feb 06'. Some sites i go to on the phone say i need to upgrade my phone browswer. How do i do that? using the phone?
You'll get this messages for a couple of reasons:
1. Your pocket internet explorer (PIE) is identified as a mobile browser and not a desktop version like IE 6. There are a few threads out there that explain how to change this "identity" so it appears to the websites as if you are surfing from a desktop browser. There are programs that'll do this for you as well (PIEplus)
2. The website is using Macromedia Flash version 8 or 9. Since the latest available to the windows mobile device is version 7 and not compatible with websites running flash versions 8 or 9, they may tell you to upgrade (even though you can't).
Originally Posted by kinextions
Also, did they upgrade the wm5 applications from 06 to 07'? I friend has the same phone but has different applications on the phone that she says came with the phone.?????
First off what carrier are you on and are you on the same one as your friend? Each carrier may or may not include additional applications on their phones. What are the applications that are different? I haven't heard of applications actually "changing" from different AKU versions. (AKU is the version of windows mobile software. Even though 2 phones can both be running Windows Mobile 5 (WM5), they can be running different versions or AKU number. The differences can be quite substantial in appearance and speed/stability, i.e. AKU 2 to AKU 3.3).