Originally Posted by odyssey3001
So you could immediately tell that it was the good screen? What difference did you see between the two?
I went to my local Sprint corporate store today. I told them about this issue and ask them if I could have mine replaced with a "good" one. They said they've never heard of this issue with the Vogue but if i'm not satisfied with my screen they can have the phone replaced. They only had one left in stock but it had the same exact screen as mine (same appalling viewing angle). There was not point in taking than one so I told them I'll come back later when they get a new shipment.
Is there any way to tell whether it's the good screen or not from the serial number on the box?
Unfortunately no. Many of us, me included have given up the attempt to swap for a long time simply because not everyone can get lucky as Scrapmaker. That's pure luck he's got.
For a problem that neither manufacturer nor carrier has ever officially admitted, the store has no obligation to let you open all of their new packages and check the screen. So I call it YMMV, if you have nice store staff or someone who actually knows what you are talking about, you may have a shot.