I'm currently working on the repositories for AppToDate. As of now, it only contains five .cab files (not enough for I've envisioned but it's a start). I'll be putting up links for the .zip file containing the .xml files needed for AppToDate check the server for updates (it be in a hours though since I'm busy).
As I stated in post a few posts back, I accidentally damaged my Vogue's digitizer screen and are in need of replacement. I found a promising looking one for sale here:
http://cgi.ebay.ca/HTC-SPRINT-S1-TOU...2em118Q2el1247 although I'm unsure as to whether or not to buy it or just wait for the new Touch Pro to arrive at Telus (as I don't want such a catastrophic event to come to happen again).
If you'd have anything you'd like to contribute (flames even), please PM me or email me at
soul.est.soul.est@gmail.com. Alternatively you can post your thoughts in a comment on one of my blog posts at