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Old 07-18-2008, 03:37 PM
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Re: Apache owners???????

Originally Posted by weedahoe View Post
No, keep the Titan, drop the Vogue and forget about the Apache in your case. There are software and hardware advantages the Titan has over the Apache. The Vogue I just dont personally like.

Im not going to go compare the two (Titan and Apache) because there are so many threads on it already plus all you would have to do is go to the manufactures site and get all the info you needed and see why the Titan has those advantages over the Apache. But at the same time go look at the Diamond and read its specs as well.
Oh I am definitely keeping my titan as I love it. Not gonna drop the Vogue though because I like the look, feel and speed of it. Either way, even if the Apache was total crap, I could always use it as a guinea pig as I am learning quickly and want to get into development.'s FREE . As or the Diamond, I will definitely be getting my hands on one as soon as possible.

Originally Posted by PolloLoco View Post
The advantages of the 6700 are in video processing. The Titan was in theory superior, but lacks video drivers. As a result, when playing video games or watching movies on your PPC, it'll lag significantly compared to a 6700. A Titan can't even play a VGA encoded video full speed with sound. If you use a PPC for emulating old video game systems, the 6700 is arguably still the best phone for that. You'd get MUCH better framerates. Also, there's a program from written for the 6700 that allows you to press two buttons at once for gaming. IE diagonals or running and jumping in Super Mario.

The culprit is the Qualcomm processor. Even the Titan 2, and the upcoming Diamond and Raphael are slower in video even though they're 520 mhz processors. I've done head to head benchmarks against the Diamond and Touch(Vogue) - the results aren't even close, if my phone were overclocked it'd be embarassing.

For more info, there's a website you should google about a potential HTC class action lawsuit, because the new phones are actually a step back from the 6700. Also, the new phones could theoretically be superior to the 6700 if drivers for the existing hardware were released. Google the class action website or check xda for more information.
Wow, somebody has done their homework. (insert non-working applause smiley here) That is definitely news to me. I knew there had to be something cool lurking inside that machine.

Originally Posted by PolloLoco View Post
Gotcha. I dug up that old thread for reference:

I've read that some users got limited usage from the Diamond Unlocked and then used on AT&T. But they didn't get full speeds on internet access and worse reception in calls.

I was debating if I'd finally upgrade my 6700 to the HTC Raphael with the same processor specs as the Diamond - but thanks to the benchmarks, I'm probably going to hold back. The Raphael even features TV Out, but how good is that if it can't even properly play back VGA? I've heard low bitrates at VGA play fine, however.
Very, very interesting. Much appreciation.
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