Originally Posted by cordodor
touch works fine w/ vc over bt. couldn't get it to work on the 800w though.
When my 6700 died I got the 700wx because it was the only WM phone at the time. With the 700wx I was dissapointed that VC/BT did not work. It will intiate but you can not use the BT headset to state your command(s) to the phone. You had to use the phone mic and speaker. I did some digging into this and all along every site said that it was due to the BT chipset that was used in the 700wx.
I have been waiting for the 800w to come out becasue this issue was suppose to be fixed with 800w.
So ared you telling me that VC/BT does not work on the 800w either? If this is correct, then that just may be a deal breaker for me.