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Old 07-17-2008, 04:29 PM
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Re: Help With Sprint Music Store

Originally Posted by nxtech3 View Post
how big are the files??? Music Store files are way smaller than mp3's. Music Store takes up less space
Yeah, because they are compressed all to hell. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying what is right for me is right for everyone but I just don't like paying for compressed, DRMed files that I don't even own just to save $10 on a memory card. I just ordered three 2gb micro SD cards from the other day for $5.99 each. I'm pretty sure they are about $10 on Amazon shipped. I dunno. It always just rubs me the wrong way how every company wants to cash in on the music downloading trend. They offer these crap quality files with restrictive licenses and it's like printing money. I would rather buy a CD and rip it or just get my tunes from a legit music store like Amazon. iTunes and Sprint just can't compete in quality or license (or price lots of the time).
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