A big :thumbdown: on replacing wmp, at least until vc works completly as stated above.
Also, don't know what everyone's grief is with Audible player. But then again, I suppose you guys are just looking to actually do the reading yourself.
I, for one, LOVE Audible.com. Yep, going to marry it someday.
Years ago it was once one of the top new comers to the www alongside ebay and amazon.com. Interesting that it has lagged so far behind.
People will pay huge amounts for a spoonfed education, yet when it comes to supplementing it with their own studies...heh..
Herb Cohen has some good books out there...saved/made one Raging Idiot lots of $$
Chose this phone specifically for this. Not many others would work with AudiblePlayer format at that time.
It works just as well off the storage card, and probably not many people use it anyway, so I suppose it's really no big deal to not put it back in the ROM.