Originally Posted by yerp
by any chance, do you know if the new WMP(or additional codecs) is part of that "Software load change"?......the Touch/Vouge got a version of WMP/codec that plays youtube videos stock with their update.
i flashed my buddies touch for him and a few days afterwards he showed me that he could use m.youtube.com no probs what so ever from PIE or Opera9beta....i tried it on my titan with the newer leak and it was a no go....
i donno whether was due to a newer WPM or just the inclusion of a codec, but either way, titan users got stiffed.....hopefully they include this in the official release....
From what I was told they are going to be identical.. Vogue will get all the mogul updates and 6.1 so I would assume that it works the other way around as well..