Re: Full YouTube/Google Video Access-Updated 1/24/2008
I recently swapped moguls because the touch screen and buttons wounldnt always work and the video i watched would stop and restart from the beginning on its on. I'm on my second mogul with the latest updates and redownloaded the software. No matter what I do for basic resets or deletions, the video still restarts by itself and i cant always get veoh to load properly, plus i still cant search that website or when i am scrolling down the pages, it'll select all the images and blink in and out till reset the phone. Is there anyway that this program will be updated to work better with the new mogul updates, or quit freaking my phone out? I saw the youtube file, but I watch everything off VEOH. is there another program or a way to download the VEOH tv watcher program to my phone. I dont have a computer either so I need help if ther is a way.