Thread: Treo Pr0n!
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Old 07-16-2008, 09:20 AM
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Re: Treo Pr0n!

Originally Posted by Black06STI View Post
why, you would rather have it show verizon then sprint??? its in the windows directory, and since we all have the same rom we all have it
I'm guessing they are finally getting a clue at Palm and releasing one ROM version to both providers (VZW + Sprint). It does make sense, I could never figure out why they don't just release one ROM, and let each provider go from there with any tweaks or restrictions from there. If I am right, I bet when I get mine with VZW, I will find Sprint screens in mine (have to wait a while to verify that one though)!!

Another possibility is that since VZW (that I know of) and I am sure other services allow you to purchase devices somewhere else and activate it there, has lead to the realization that people are going to do that a lot with a major release like this (I mean lets face it, there are a LOT of rabid Palm/wx users out there that have waited a long time for the 800) and they are being prepared and allowing people to do this easier that in the past by allowing minor tweaks like changing the splash screens after porting to another service instead of finding another image, resizing/tweaking, and then saving it!!!

Just a guess!!!!

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