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Old 07-16-2008, 04:28 AM
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Re: What is the absolute best radio for GPS?

Originally Posted by ScrapMaker View Post
So this is the "official" ROM that came out about two weeks ago, with the 3.42.30 radio? I had heard that the *.4 "official" Sprint ROM was nearly identical, aside from a few minor bug fixes...

Are you using the 2.04 PPST? Or did you cancel customizations? I'd swear that the 2.03 was working much better... I remember loading one of OMJ's ROMS that had GPSToday pre-installed, and before it even fully booted, (still showing splash screen,) it already had a lock on satellites... because once the Today screen appeared, GPSToday already showed my location... it also provided consistant 5-10 second locks... but I would still lose GPS after a day or so, requiring a soft-reset...
this is the *.2 radio. i have my phone working as good as i can imagine it ever working (sides the video drivers but that's a diff topic). umm. lets see.

it's a PPST from the titan, but for some reason, it was the only one that could get me 5-10 sec locks. i haven't reset my phone in about 4 days. and i've used it every day trying to figure out "problems" with igo8 that i finally got working. I currently have live search gmaps, gpstoday, ttn7 and igo8 all working like a charm. indoor locks in i'd say 15, 20 seconds max.
If someone (like me) helps you out, press !! only takes a second... !

Mogul -> Vogue -> TP -> TP2 -> Snap -> Evo -> 3D