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Old 07-15-2008, 06:26 PM
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Re: Strange issue I have ~every 2 weeks on every ROM

ok, this caught my attention with the 1st post, as I've notice similar effect (just never really nailed it down to (x amount after flash)
the main think I noticed was having trouble answering calls, but would attribute that to s2u2 (which you don't seem to have installed) I try to keep my txt's cleared out, but who knows the wm6.1 treaded still seems buggy.
how do you clear predictive text (also rarely use)

my hunch is that it's old appointments or tasks, as s2u2 will display notifications. but if it has to do a bunch of work sorting out "completed"/"ignored" tasks and appointments that could cause what we're experiencing.

I've never really used oxios as quickmenu does what I need.
7 windows to rule them all, 7 windows to find them,
7 windows to bring them all, and in the network bind them.
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