Re: Current Mogul (Titan) User - Should I Switch??
I started out with the touch because I was completely new to WM based devices and I thought that it just looked a lot nicer, which it does, and I thought the cube app was really cool. Then I got into texting and switched to the mogul and was really happy with that because of the keyboard and the ease of control. Come to find out. You can run the cube app on the Mogul just as you can the touch. They are pretty much the same phone hardware wise except the touch has more RAM.
Then I started messing around with some different onscreen keyboards, mainly touchpal, and was able to type very fast so I switched back to my touch.
I like the way the touch looks and feels and I like the extra RAM for speed. I do keep my mogul though just to play with and try out some of the different ROMS that are not available for the Vogue. It is all really a matter of personal preference.
Hope that was helpful instead of confusing.
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