What is the absolute best radio for GPS?
Now that there are, what, 8 some-odd radios to choose from, what is everyone using?
I have 3.42.30 on my Sprint Vogue, but I did not notice any positive GPS performance from any older radios... like the 3.37.10, or 3.37.15.... actually, I think it is a decrease in GPS performance, to be honest...
I think the best GPS I ever had was under custom ROMs, using 3.37.15, and running the 2.03 PPST file... I would get 5 second locks, but I still lost GPS after a day, and had to soft-reset...
That's still better than losing GPS entirely, on the latest Sprint ROM... but somehow, running IOTA seems to fix it... but turns into something you have to do quite often, it seems.
Has anyone found the perfect combination? Radio+ROM+Registry Settings+PPST+Technique?
I'm looking for the 5 second locks that I know the phone can do, because I used to have them... but along with stability... I don't want to have to soft-reset all the time just to use GPS... I definitely don't want to have to run IOTA every time, because I think that can cause Vision problems...