Originally Posted by Griswalds
I don't know what to tell you guys that are having to run IOTA more than once just to get a lock on gps. I only ran it ONCE.
Right after the rom installed, I ran everything, waited about 3 minutes, hard reset, same thing, ran everything, waited, hard reset, waited, then I ran the IOTA and everything is working fine for me...
I do know that every time you hard reset, you will have to run IOTA agian.
As for the location setting:
I noticed that the .2 Rom did this. Then after loading the .4 Rom it did the same thing. I have been in the registry and found that the on and off have a setting of 0 and 3 respectively. However, after changing the setting to 3 and 0: 2 and 0: 1 and 0: 0 and 1: 0 and 2 nothing ever happend. It just basically turned the setting both off.
So, I just basically go to settings and turn it off then back on and go from there...
You don't have to ever run IOTA... it happens automatically when you hard-reset...
although, it's strange, because the location setting doesn't change anything... for me... I can be sitting here getting 4-5 satellites, then close google maps or gpstoday, and run IOTA, then go right back into the program and get 10 satellites... phone sitting in the same exact spot, no changes...
Stttraaangge.... (read: annoying.)