Originally Posted by Malatesta
Originally Posted by dalexiou
Originally Posted by Sonin66
you should manually turn your device into sleep mode by tapping the above power button. i use to get the DSOF all the time until i start doing this
I do manually shut off my device....that's how I noticed this starting. If I shut it off pressing the top power button a few times, it won't turn back on...hence the BSOD. It has just started doing this recently, but it has become quite annoying having to soft reset the device each time it does that.
Well, you have a couple of options:
1) List here all your recent programs and configurations for us to see or uninstall anything you've installed lately
2) Make sure you read and follow to the T post #4 in this thread
3) Hard Reset
I always recommend to people to have at least 2 or 3 backups on their storage card in case this happens--that way you can just hard-reset and go back to your last known "good" setup.
Thats where I screwed up....I don't have a recent backup....I am kicking myself for that one considering I have the back-up software...have older backups from when I first bought my device but nothing from the set up I have now that I like.....the only recent program I had upgraded was phoneAlarm from 1.52 to 1.53
Main Memory programs:
Wisbar Advanced 2
PHM RegEdit
phoneAlarm Lite 1.53
Voice Command
PHM Tray Launch
Treo 700W Speed Dialer
Memory Card: