Originally Posted by markgamber
BUT the reason I went from a 700wx to a Touch was Slingplayer. If it's watchable on the 800, I'll be leaving the store with one. If it's not watchable or they don't even let me try it, I'm afraid I'll have to pass.
It seems like you're making a decison on purchasing a seemingly great great hardware device for a 3rd party app. I have the vzw-wx, and with vzw continous device limitations, I would rather wait. I have searched this form and others, and haven't came across any solid pricing for the 800w. No one has mentioned its true bt ability. By saying this, there's no 3rd party app., or hardware restrictions, would pry me from the wx for a new device that would cost me more just to get the new 800w to meet my specs. I'll just wait for the final wx upgrade (WM6).
I say, "NO".