Re: Just got my 800w/problems already
did you just say "exceptional" "battery" and "mogul" in the same sentence?
i gotta be seeing things
dont get me wrong,its not TERRIBLE, but its the most inconsistant battery life ive had so far i think. One day it seems to last me all day and most of the night, other days itll last me 4-6 hours. And i know use of your phone will obviously bring down your battery, but yeesh
thanks for checking that out about the End Call though,and good to know about mobileshell, that'll be a definite it seems then.....
and i believe my hunt begins tomorrow, as long as my money's looking at selling my mogul for 2-250 and paying 350-400 for the treo...i just re-up'ed my contract this past december, so waiting on a renewal is pretty pointless. This seems to be a phone that could last me the rest of the summer and winter...unless something mind-blowing gets dropped on us in December. The diamond doesnt do much for me, and i dont see sprint releasing a phone with a vagina attached soooo, id prolly stick with the 800w for a while. Especially if its running as smooth as everyones saying