Re: HTC Touch Alltel will not unlock
one last quick note why not to do this...
Originally Posted by ImCoKeMaN
This state is called download mode, i have 2 devices stuck in it and am working on a solution. It appears that the new GPS radios are protected from overwrite and some attempts to revert can cause this situation. My signature shows the way it happened for me.
Originally Posted by iceblue
ImCokeMan already answered it for you. His phone is bricked end of story. The causes are RED light means battery is dead or device is bricked. If the device will try and load new drivers when you put the battery in, then the phone is in download mode. This is a base level EEProm flash to flash a core system boot loader, note the J-tags also need replaced on the ROM. The only people with a way to fix this right now is HTC until a few kind people I asked to try and get one from HTC come through "doubtful" or ImCokeMan figure it out. So till then the device is bricked. The other options is RED light and no drivers try to load then the ROM fried and the phone is a paper weight.
Repeat because it seems to be needed, there is NO BOOT LOADER on his phone anymore!
As stated flashing 3.35 with 2.4SPL and Special_4350.nbh or flashing 3.35 to 3.27 can/will cause bricking.
This comes from the mogul forum
Last edited by zeurx; 07-13-2008 at 09:36 AM.