Originally Posted by konceptz
Not too crazy about that idea though - its kinda a pain to admin and someone might be able to defeat it with MAC cloning.....
Is someone really going to find/clone and wreak havok on your home network?
LOL! Not much trouble "finding" it - I can see two other wireless home networks some of the time. Signals are weak, but they come and go. Like most people I have a fair amount of financial info on my main desktop system. If I dropped the WEP, I'd have to go to MAC filtering, or PW protect my HD shares, etc. A bit of a pain just to hook up my PPC to the network.
Originally Posted by konceptz
My keys seem to work fine with my system.
I would suggest upgrading to aku 3.x before you start programming MAC adresses. AKU upgrades in WM5 I recall do something to WEP, although I forgot exactly what.
What version/flavor of AKU 3.x do you recommend? So far from what I'm reading just about all of them have some kind of issues or lacks something I'd like to have. MMS doesn't work, or the camera display is whonked, or the SD card slot has issues or whatever. I'm not criticizing anyone's work - I think it is pretty incredible that you guys can do what you do. But so far I haven't seen one that I'm ready to jump into.
Ideally I'd like to see a version of 3.5 for the Verizon XV6700 that has ALL the original programs (or better versions of same) and all the phone's native features 100% functional, with the ext-rom unlocked, WEP working, etc.
Maybe you can make a suggestion?