Originally Posted by syrguy1969
SWEET!!!!! I can't remember what a day off IS!!!! I think the last one I had was a sick call in Feb.!!!!!
Ok you guys since your bored how about joining me in a joint S2U2 Custom Theme venture? I have created the Wallpaper portrait and Landscape images. Now all I need is either a clock or clock fonts, and a slider to go with this. How about one of you guys take the clock and one take the slider. negrito and sryguy1969 if you guys are up to the challenge. If you look at the image you will see your work that needs to be done is self explanitory. The Theme's name is Plague. The idea here is to design a classic theme utilizing the talents of more then one person. Only ground rules are to think concept. maybe we can do more themes like this.
Edit: and if anyone else wants to join in you can do the System Tray or the notification Tray, and again think concept.