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Old 07-10-2008, 03:17 PM
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3rd Screen that has gone bad! Am I Unlucky?

Today my perfectly working Touch with the Sprint Almost OEM gps/Rev a Rom stopped working. The screen no longer responds. A hard reset brought me too the Align Screen which it was stuck in. I have downgraded back to original radio and Sprint 6.0 Oem rom. Still stuck on the align screen. Time to get a new one at the Sprint Repair Store, thank you TEP. Sucks though because it was customized perfectly. This happened with 2 Apaches before, upgraded me to a Touch and now it has happened again. Am I just the Unluckiest PPC owner or what? It seemed to stop working out of the blue. I have dropped it in the past but it had remained working. I hope there's no limit on the amount of phones I can have replaced because this curse is following me.