Originally Posted by Malatesta
Originally Posted by dalexiou
I have been having the same problem just recently...if I turn the screen off and on a few times it won't come back on...DSOD.....I think it might have started when I upgraded phoneAlarm from 1.52 to 1.53.....Anyone have any problems with phoneAlarm lite? I might just hard reset and start with that to see if thats the issue....
Nope...I consider it the best version yet!
You didn't put it on your storage card, did you? That'd cause some major issues.
Nope I didn't....I don't have anything important on my storage card....I read up enough when I first got it to know not to do that.

Now trying to figure out why it's doing that crap is a different story....it has been a bit sluggish at times as well, which until the screen thing was happening had never happened either.....looks like a reset might be in my future