Originally Posted by nwschnell
Negamann and others, thank you for posting this... I, like many others have been searching for a good tutorial to do this for over a month. Great job!
For those who are having trouble with text messaging and placing outbound calls after flashing to a new ROM, if the methods are not working as suggested here you may want to try registering another phone (a different ESN) via your account on verizonwireless.com. I registered an old ESN and then re-registered my 6900 and it I was finally able to get it to program properly with another call to *22800.
I second that emotion!!
I think this is the way to go as far as making sure you can get your phone back on the network. Hopefully, you have a former
working phone to do it with.
DHarvey is making a mean ROM. V2 should be out tonight or tomorrow.