I'm not sure that you will necessarily see significantly faster download speeds when switching between standard EVDO and EVDO Rev A. For comparison purposes I tested my new Sprint Mogul (supposedly using EVDO Rev A) and my old Sprint PPC-6700 (without EVDO Rev A). The EVDO Rev A Mogul averaged 872 kbit/sec, whereas the non-EVDO Rev A PPC-6700 averaged 832 kbit/sec. So there was only a small improvement in download speeds. (Other differences, besides EVDO Rev., such as radio and hardware can also account for some of the performance differences.)
But, the EVDO Rev A Mogul did show a very significant improvement in latency - at only 0.225 secs. compared to 0.422 secs. for my PPC-6700.
So you may also want to compare differences in latency when testing standard EVDO and EVDO Rev. A performance. (BTW, I use
http://www.dslreports.com/msp and test with a 1MB file size. This site allows me to run tests on my mobile phone as well as my home computers for comparison purposes.)