Originally Posted by SOMA_GOES_BEDLAM
I want to take NFSFAN's rom and update SqlCeMobile to SqlCeMobile35. This OEM is found in the vougue_WM6.1.rar\SYS not OEM. so what I did was replace SqlCeMobile with SqlCeMobile35 in the SYS folder under Kitchen. That was not in the instructions. I read that SqlCeMobile35 was needed to run skype. that is the only problem I had with NFSFAN's rom. I have a new nbh file, but being a n00b at this I am a bit paranoid about flashing it.
Has anyone tried something similair?
You have to use the kitchen whose link is provided in the first post. Anyways, When you decompile a rom, the components the chef added will be in ..\SYS. So, if you delete ..\SYS\SqlCeMobile, when you replace it, you will add the new SqlCeMobile35 into the ..\OEM directory. I'm not sure where your getting vougue_WM6.1.rar\SYS from...
Add --> ..\OEM directory.
Remove --> ..\SYS directory.