Originally Posted by brand
Experiencing the same exact thing described (on the new ROM).
What kind of affect on power should we expect?
From that hack? Probably not much.
Read this thread on BatteryTweaks, or just
install this cab which will help a whole lot more. It has most of the tweaks from that thread and a few more settings... My experience with GPS is, if you leave it on, it drains your battery pretty quick!
Here are the setting for the curious...
;Courtesy of GoodThings2Life
"" = ""
"BatteryTimeout" = dword : 00000078
"BrightNess" = dword : 00000003
"ACTimeout" = dword : 00000258
"OnOffBatt" = dword : 00000001
"OnOffAC" = dword : 00000001
"QKeyLedOnOff" = dword : 00000001
"QKeyLedTimeout" = dword : 0000000A
"AutoSensor" = dword : 00000001
"ACBacklightOnTap" = dword : 00000001
"BacklightOnTap" = dword : 00000001
"OnOff" = dword : 00000001
"BatteryTimeoutUnchecked" = dword : 00000000
"ACTimeoutUnchecked" = dword : 00000000
"ACBrightness" = dword : 0000000A
"" = ""
"WakeupPowerOff" = dword : 0000003C
"ExtPowerOff" = dword : 00000000
"BattPowerOff" = dword : 000000B4
"SystemIdleTimerResetEvent" = "PowerManager/SystemIdleTimerReset"
"DisableGwesPowerOff" = dword : 00000001
"ScreenPowerOff" = dword : 0000003C
"SystemPriority256" = dword : 000000F8
"" = ""
"ACSuspendTimeout" = dword : 00000000
"BattSuspendTimeout" = dword : 0000012C
"BatteryPoll" = dword : 00001388
"BattUserIdle" = dword : 00000000
"ACUserIdle" = dword : 00000000
"BattResumingSuspendTimeout" = dword : 0000000F
"ACResumingSuspendTimeout" = dword : 0000000F
"" = ""
"DisablePowerManagement" = dword : 00000000
"" = ""
"DisablePowerManagement" = dword : 00000000
"" = ""
"DisablePowerManagement" = dword : 00000000
"" = ""
"DisablePowerManagement" = dword : 00000000