Originally Posted by Noir
okay just a bit of help guys
now im usually in the titan forum but a friend of mine asked me to put gps on their xv6900. so I went through all the steps listed, using omjs verizon rom. now seeing it was a new phone I had to call verizon for an a-key. now the problem is I run gps viewer, I do not get lat/long but where the N is I get a red circle with a number. I tried running google maps and gps times out. is there any way to increase # of gps satellites on the xv6900? it takes way too long (minimum of 5 minutes maximum of 30 minutes) to get a gps satellite. I will admit I got two using google maps two days ago but the wait is too long. should I try another rom or is this location specific?
Its all based on luck. Currently we have no perfect drivers. GPS is fine. try baud rate of 38400. My other phone locked right away everytime. my new one doesnt lock on as fast. I did the exact same steps