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Old 03-09-2007, 01:01 PM
jack_2231's Avatar
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Firstly, there is no way Microsoft is going to change course because of this petition. But is that really bad? No. Here is why.

Consider, how many thousands of hours have we collectively spent trying to get some stupid dll to work right? Or getting a feature like built-in GPS to work? Come on already. If Microsoft or Sprint doesn't want to put out, it is time to date someone else at the party. If a few of you like jamesus spent a few hours tightening up a linux distro for the 6700 I'd shell out a few hundred for it. We aren't bound to play by Microsoft's rules. Break free of the iron chains you are working in already and let's get something open that doesn't need to be reverse engineered for us to use. The 6700 has plenty of horsepower to run windows-mobile in emulation mode under linux, aka Wine for x86.

Get together a b-plan, show it to a few VCs, quit your day job, and stick up a web page where we can download a non-MS os for this and future phones. 6000 signers x $100 = 1/2 million bucks. And just across the street we have places like http:\\, with 52,590 members or $5 million in potential revenue. And then there is and 10 other less hardcore sites ... More than enough $$ to fund the entire kitchen development team. So son't tell me the numbers don't work out. Because I am sick of being all this reverse engineering crap.

It's like sneaking out of your bedroom window of your parents house every night. Like living with your parents and complaining that you have no freedom. Do you make your parents sign a petition to let you stay up late and date girls, or just move out? LET'S MOVE OUT!
... running BigJ's v1.2h home brewed rom
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