Originally Posted by santos
Silly question, but did you make sure your volume is turned up?
yeah... it was none of the obvious stuff. it was almost like somehow the files were corrupt or whatever. no biggy it's all over now. upgraded to wm6
Originally Posted by ks025995
I received a brand new 700wx as a warranty return, and it did the same thing right out of the box. The files are all there, but only a few of them would "play". Weird. Hard resets didn't help. That problem along with some other ones (phone not ringing but incoming calls going right to voicemail) caused me to just install Ebag's custom WM5 rom :
I wasn't convinced the WM6 rom was worth the uncertainty.
well... i updgraded to wm6 and it's pretty stable. after i installed it i just did like 2 or 3 soft resets within 15 minutes but after that... smooth and quick. still messing with it but i like it alot... and it fixed the ringer problem!
thanks for all of the responses