Originally Posted by amirborna
Ok guys, I find my problem...
When I'm connected to activesync everything is 100%
When I'm not connected only opera works, nothing else internet works. No coreplayer, no email, ect
but when I am activesync, I can like go to coreplayer and watch youtube
anybody can help me please?
When you are connected to activesync your mogul uses the USB tethered to your pc for its internet access. Its an option in activesync called "advanced network functionality." Its basically TCP/IP via usb. When you disconnect, your internet re-routes through your WIFI or EVDO. I'm guessing the software you are referring to is trying to use specific ports, that are no longer available when you disconnect from your pc, due to your IP change. Should be resolved with a soft reset. I would reccomend disabling advanced network functionality, and force all internet through EVDO or WIFI so you don't have to deal with changing IP addresses everytime you plug in.