Originally Posted by sc00b4s7eve
Hey again...
Just thinkin' it could be something with your USB cable or USB port(on the computer OR on the phone). What I mean is that I know my Mogul's USBport has become more wobbly and looser since I found this forum.
If nothing else, software-wise has changed did you try another USB cable or another port on your computer?
I have tried different cables, different computers with different OS's... I get the same error.
"One of the USB devices attached to this computer has malfuncitoned. Windows does not recognize it..."
I guess my next step is to try to bluetooth it to my laptop and see if I can sync that way. I must have (if this is even possible) corrupted my phones USB driver/software???? I wonder if there is a cab file I can drop on my SD card to run to fix it... hmm back to searching!
EDIT*Update*: Looks like my issue was possibly hardware related... now my power button will put the phone in sleep mode, yet I cannot get out of it unless i soft rest... bottom line is that Verizon is sending me out a replacement. Thanks for the ideas on my prob anyways!