ringtones and alarms missing?!
I recently switched to my 700wx since my Mogul was in need of repair and I sent it in. When I activated my Mogul (in February) I did a hard reset on my Treo since it was acting funny. The alarm, regardless of the settings (on/off, time, days, etc...) would go off every day at 10am. I figured when I got the Mogul, the Treo would be out of commission for a while so I might as well Hard Reset to take care of the problem since none of the simpler steps worked.
Anyway... since I reactivated my Treo, I noticed most of my stock ringers and alarm tones or whatever they are called don't work. Just a few of them do. The phone would vibrate... but wouldn't ring. My phone will ring when i receive a call. I have 2 songs that I turned into ringtones and those work flawlessly. But almost all of the predefined alarm ringers and reminders don't make a noise when picked. They are all in the dropdown menu but when i go to preview them.... NOTHING.
finally, sorry for the novel i've typed up... but is there any file I can put on this baby to get her ringtones back?
thanks in advance... if i cannot find a solution I'll just do the WM6 upgrade and hope for the best.
Thanks in advance!