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Old 06-30-2008, 12:55 PM
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Re: Where can I get the WKTasksetting from the Hybrid ROM

Originally Posted by scirio View Post
So i found and downloaded wktast and its similar but not the same at all. It creates 2 icons under Programs, zero under settings and it behaves differently when clicking close on a program window.

What was it that was in the Hybrid Rom??

JD used the wktaskbar in his hybrid roms in his earlier roms (I believe before mid June). I do not however remember the wktask settings as an option in the "settings" area of your configuration. However, you can change the settings for wktask simply by holding down on the "x" button and selecting properties.

You may be right in saying that wktask had configuration options under "settings", but if they did, they probably removed it with the latter revisions of the software.

Hope this helps.

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