Originally Posted by Justin9825
This is gonna sound so weird....But I know it's possible to ban a user all together. One because I got ban years ago from a torrent site (can't say which one lol). And proxies dind't work. I had to wait untill they lifted my ban. I wasn't 18. lol
As has been pointed out, if he's accessing the site via a proxy server, then we can't stop him entirely. There's two forms of bans any site can institute: A ban of the user, and a ban of their IP address. Ban the user and they can make a new account, ban the IP address and anyone with that IP can't log in to any accounts. But if you go through a proxy server, your IP is masked behind a different one. We can block that IP, but he can simply connect through a different proxy server, and he's back in. And repeat.
What I'm wondering is why none of these threads has been deleted yet. I'm a mod on IGN, and we can delete any threads we please, and there are constantly riots like this that require a lot of cleaning. Why are these threads still here?
That said, while this guy is a jackass, he was baited. His first thread, which was simply a harmless joke that could have been ignored, was responded to with rude comments and warnings of bans (a ban was unnecessary under the circumstances, only a warning that it wasn't cool was enough), which just enticed him. He did it again this morning, people went ape, and he retaliated further. In a way we brought this upon ourselves.