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Old 06-29-2008, 10:55 AM
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Smile Voice Command with a Sprint Mogul

Good morning everyone, I am new to PPCGeeks. I have spent a lot of time reading the threads over the past two weeks.

I am a newbie and have never done anything to my mogul. I just issued this phone to all of my outside sales guys (13 of them) and have switched them over from various other carriers (why sprint? I could not pass up the deal they gave me).

anyways, some of the guys who were on verizon used to have voice command dialling on their other phones. I have several questions:

1. MSVC does not come with the mogul. do I have to buy this from Microsoft or is there another way that I am supposed to get this?

2. I have seen all the threads concerning MSVC not working with Sprint and the Mogul. Are these issues still present with the latest ROM that sprint phones ship with (the phones were just purchased in the last 2 weeks)

Again, it seems like this is a great community...even though a bunch of it might be above my head. I look forward to learning more and more.
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