Re: NEW official Sprint ROM posted on XDA-dev by DCD
Gotta say, I love this ROM. I had the alltel GPS ROM on my vogue b4 this and all though it worked it was buggy and the blue alltel crap drove me nuts. I like all the custom ROMs but for some reason I always pined for stock sprint after I changed things.
Love the new full qwerty keyboard, I can type with my fingers and do pretty well.
The GPS works flawlessly with live search locks within 10 seconds in my living room.
Sprint TV actually works.
Opera 8.6.... ehhemmm... 9.5 works well not great.
Also using spb backup as mentioned in an earlier post. Using the ROM upgrade mode, I was able to get all my contacts, emails, messages, programs working again on this ROM without having to reinstall everything.
The only thing I can see this is missing is the mp3 trimmer from the alltel ROM, Does anyone have a CAB for that? I liked making ringtones on the fly.
Also The Alltel ROM had a picture video mail software that Even though I never got to work, it looked promising. Anyone got any solutions for that?
Thanks to all who have done the grunt work on getting this out there and working. PPCgeeks is an awesome resource.
Last edited by huskrfj; 06-29-2008 at 11:27 AM.