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Old 06-28-2008, 01:56 AM
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Re: XV6900 GPS Rev A upgrade help!

Originally Posted by ydoggy View Post
mwfielder - I haven't tried item 1 on your reply. And when I do so, I get no signal when setting my phone to 'Home Only'. So maybe I still do have a problem with roaming? But either way my phone/data/gps work so I'm temporarily content.

I haven't done #2 since I reflashed on the cooked rom, so I tried it. Didn't seem to do anything with respect to the first item nor the roaming thing.

I have a hard time figuring out if this stuff if rom upgrade related or if it's phone service related since I reset a bunch of things upgrading the rom. I still haven't had a chance to call Verizon... I'll do this here shortly.

Thanks for your input!
You need to update your prl with a Verizon one, when you ran the Sprint Customization you updated your pri which in turn also updated your prl. Just download the latest verizon prl and you should be fine.

An those of you that are having data problems you can try this option. Open the phone pad and dial ##data# --> edit --> menu --> restore. This option resets your data setting back to default.

Last edited by mardukeme; 06-28-2008 at 02:01 AM.