Re: Official ROM Speed Tests. Post results here
Here are some speeds I was seeing from the exact same location (The Kitchen Table!);
Radio from Offical Rom running JD's Hybrid Rom
Rev A enabled; 1038 up 454 down
Radio from Official Rom running JD's Hybrid Rom
Rev A disabled; 479 down 153 up
Radio from Leaked Rom running JD's Hybrid Rom
Rev A enabled; 635 down 363 up
Radio from Leaked Rom running JD's Hybrid Rom
Rev A disabled; 472 down 227 up
Some places I have gone to the leaked radio has gotten 2500 down and 600 up (from memory). I have not gone back to that location to see what the new radio gets.
I like the new radio, I seem to have better through put with Bluetooth and my data seems to be doing better but I think the actual sensitivity of this radio is not as good because in fringe areas the other radio seemed to hold a call a little better. But that can change with weather so I'm not sure yet. Gps performance seems about the same as I was getting before.
My phone has had the titan radio on it for a about a week, the Alltel radio for a couple of weeks and the Leaked radio since the day the leaked rom came out except for one day when I rolled back to the titan rom to try something.